About us
Our Organisation
We are a Community Interest Company which is a not-for-profit organisation working for the benefit of communities.
We generate our own income but also benefit from grant funding and accept donations to help us in our work.
Our Skills and Experience
We have wide-ranging qualifications and experience in environmental sciences, health education, business and construction management, health and safety and environmental auditing and have considerable experience of working in the private, voluntary and third sectors.
This gives us a unique perspective for developing and delivering projects and we aim to work in a way that balances the best interests of the environment with the needs of the community.
Our Motivation
Like most people we are horrified by the evidence of climate change all around us and by images of forest fires and floods and the impact that it is having on all of us and wanted to use these skills to make a difference and protect our environment.
Our Aims
- to manage and protect existing woodland
- plant new woodland to absorb carbon emissions
- increase biodiversity and protect wildlife
- encourage volunteering
- facilitate the use of green spaces with activities for the benefit of schools and communities
- fulfil the requirements of the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015
To achieve these, we will
- work with community councils, local authorities and other organisations to help manage their woodlands or green spaces
- work with communities to identify land that provides an opportunity for planting and wildlife
- purchase land by raising funds through donations, crowd funding and grants
- protect land by retaining it in the ownership of the CIC
[email protected]